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Reiki Energy Healing

Give your body, mind and spirit the gift of deep rest and restoration through a gentle Reiki (Ray-Key) energy session, or choose to learn how to practice it yourself.


This peaceful Japanese healing modality helps restore feelings of harmony + flow in all layers of your being. The benefits of Reiki will stay with you even after a session is complete. While everyone's experience will be unique (and in service of their greatest good), many of my clients + students have reported the following: 


More Clarity + Energy  |  More Patience and Feelings of Peace  |  Accelerated Healing of Physical and Emotional Imbalances  |  Deep Relaxation  |  Increased Self-Confidence  |  Less Anxiety and Stress  |  And More!



Reiki Offerings

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 As you rest peacefully, your body and mind will be infused with healing energy that releases stagnation and restores balance and flow to all parts of your being, leaving you feeling grounded in your true self.

Sessions are currently being offered in person on Tuesdays at my healing space in Fort Mill, SC. 

Energy Healing Session

Rest and receive an energetic recharge

Group Reiki

Learn Reiki as a Self-Care Tool or Deepen Your Connection to the Practice

Awaken a new level of wellbeing + peace within your life through Reiki, and learn how to share it with others, too.
This simple energy healing tool can be incorporated into your everyday life or practiced professionally.

Reiki is taught in a series of 3 trainings: Level I, Level II and Level III.

Upcoming Trainings:
Level I: Nov 15 - 16
for $325 at Om Yoga in Fort Mill

Level II: Jan 3 - 4, 2025
for $325 at Om Yoga in Fort Mill

Level III/Master: Mar 27 - 30, 2025*
for $580 plus accommodations of your choice at the Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, NC

Save $ by bundling two or all three upcoming classes! Payment plans are available
*Level III is made extra special by being taught in an all-inclusive retreat format.

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Interested in a private Reiki training or mentorship? I would be happy to connect on potential options for 1:1 or private group options.

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These monthly circles are on a temporary pause as I transition into motherhood but I plan to resume them in 2024.

In Person:
Join me once per season at OM Yoga in Fort Mill, SC. September's Circle is sold out. The next gathering will take place in December - join my email list to be notified!

Reiki Community Circles

Online & In Person Reiki-Centered Gatherings


"Thank you so much for everything. This was truly an awesome experience for me. It's so hard when you know words cannot do your feelings justice but I can say that meeting you and being introduced to your teachings has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. 


PS -I shared our consultation with my long-time therapist and she also was blown away by how everything I shared was things that she was trying to work on with me for a while."


- HD Deep Dive Client

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"No matter how many words I write, they all speak the same truth: You are worthy of a beautiful life."
-- Jaiya John

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Fort Mill, SC USA

Tel: 240-888-8408,

©2020 by Awakened Wellness, LLC. 

Website created by Lindsay Claire Creations

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